Best self

15 ways to a new year new you

We take a look at how to make a real difference to your health and wellbeing this year, and how to make resolutions for a new year new you


Be realistic

First thing’s first, don’t be overambitious and set yourself up for a fall by expecting too much too soon. It’s a common issue that means good intentions fall by the wayside come February. This can lead to a path of self-loathing when your inner critic kicks in to berate for not doing what we set out to achieve. If your goal is to become fitter, take things slowly and pace yourself with campaigns like Couch to 5k.


Develop habits

It supposedly takes three weeks to develop a habit, so if you try and keep your resolutions up on a daily basis, you will find that your commitment becomes doable and you’re more likely to honour it. This will allow you to become proud of your achievements and you’ll be able to applaud yourself for committing little and often.


Change the record

It’s easy to let your mind wander and listen to that voice in your head that tells you to stop when you’re struggling with that 5k. Begin a new soundtrack in your head and use words like ‘can’ to create your own mantra. Speaking to yourself in the positive will affirm your abilities.


Work together

Working out in a team really helps to keep you motivated. Find a workout buddy or group to join and reap the benefits of mass motivation. Gym classes like group spinning or Zumba are great for fitness inspiration.


Get outside

The great outdoors is renowned for having a massive impact on your mental health. A run among nature can be a great change of scene, plus fresh air has countless benefits on helping you to de-stress. If you’re a city-dweller, try and get out into the countryside, with green spaces having a positive impact on your mindfulness.


Get some sleep

When it comes to healthy eating, sleep is often underrated in terms of its vast importance. Sleeping is vital for the body to restore after exercise, and it helps to rebuild metabolic function. Sleep deprivation is linked to obesity and serious health conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease.

Better self


Digital detox

People are becoming increasingly keen to detox from digital media, with social media platforms like Instagram showing your daily usage and apps for your phone that can pop up to help you put the phone down. Try and monitor how often you use your phone, and instead of scrolling on the commute into work, why not pick up a book.


Health-oriented trips

Spa weekends are all well and good, but according to Health and Fitness Travel, 2019’s trends include wellness holidays that focus on everything from ‘sugar detox’ and ‘silence’ to preventative wellness retreats that remove you from stimulus-inducing environments in order to kick-start healthy regimes and triathlon holidays.


Foodie focus

Think about what you’re putting into your body – this has a monumental impact on your mental health and physical wellbeing. Overdoing it on the carbs can have a huge effect and impact your mood by bringing you down and making you tired, try and introduce slow-releasing foods into your diet like lentils and chickpeas, and up your fibre intake to improve digestion. Make sure you keep hydrated as water can help flush out toxins and has a great effect on keeping your skin bright and fresh.


Talk to others

Communication is key for sticking to your new years’ resolutions. If you tell your family and friends about your grand plans, you’re more likely to stick to them, and you’ll have people who care about you keen to check up on your progress.


Write it down

Many swear by keeping a journal to track progress. Writing things down makes your plan more permanent and you’ll be less likely to want to skip a workout or healthy meal if you’ve got it down in the diary.


Don’t pick a resolution that doesn’t suit you

Just because your friends are going full-on Veganuary, don’t think that you need to be on the same level. Bodies are different and pushing yourself into a routine so suddenly doesn’t work for everyone. Concentrate on your own personal goals and what you want for yourself.


Wipe out

Start with the basics and get your skincare regime right. Washing your face morning and night with a cleanser is essential and will help avoid clogged pores, dullness and breakouts. Ditch the face wipes as these can strip the skin of natural oils. Balms rather than foaming cleaners suit drier skin types and always wear a sunscreen and apply a moisturiser.


Understand ingredients

If you want to fight dullness and treat the effects of ageing, invest in products with active ingredients. Hyaluronic acid is great for hydration and locks in moisture, Vitamin C will help brighten dull skin and fight daily exposure to free radicals, and retinol, peptides and Vitamin B3 help stimulate production of collagen and elastin. Try vegan and cruelty-free brands to stay ethically conscious


Get ahead of the game

For luscious locks, start the year as you mean to go on. If you colour your hair, use colour-safe shampoos which are often less abrasive than regular products, and use a deep conditioning treatment once a week, particularly if you heat style your hair. Don’t brush your hair when wet as strands will just stretch and snap. Blot your hair rather than rubbing with a towel.