Women in Business: Feel The Fear... and have fun anyway

Women in Business: Feel The Fear… and have fun anyway

Join us this year in celebrating International Women’s Day at one of our events, curated for women in business and designed for growing confidence

For International Women’s Day, we are curating a programme of events designed for women in business to help build confidence. We have created a flexible range of events to help fit in with your lifestyle, work-life and family. Tap into our breakfast networking, weekend workshop, lunchtime seminar or half day workshops.

We kick off with a networking breakfast where our fabulous guest speaker will be the brilliant and funny Esther Stanhope, author of Goodbye Glossophobia – banish your fear of public speaking. She’ll be sharing her top tips from her new book, which is a must-read for anyone who hates everyone’s eyes on them and wants to get to grips with public speaking. Esther has mentored many successful women to speak up and get their promotion. But we love her most because she totally understands why women struggle with confidence and speaking in public. She was once that person who didn’t want to ask a question at a conference or present to her team. “Many women avoid it and point blank refuse to put themselves through the ordeal of public (speaking) humiliation”

If that sounds like you, you’re not alone, apparently 75% of us feel like this and it’s holding us back in our careers. She notes that women are much less likely to put themselves forward, and you only need look at a typical conference to see that it is men on the podium the most. By mastering public speaking, you can attract more business and win promotions, says Esther, who has seen her clients go on to win multi-million pound deals or be promoted to the top.

Esther Stanhope shares some of her tips for public speaking…

If you’re a nervous speaker as I once was, please DO NOT  take BAD advice, like ‘imagine the audience is naked’…aarrghh.

Imagine this……  
• The audience is loving your speech
• Imagine they are giving you a standing ovation because what you are saying is so powerful (arhhhhhh a naked standing ovation – stop thinking about it, STOP!)
• You’re feeling happy and relaxed on stage as you effortlessly crack jokes and make the audience laugh and smile

See that’s much more helpful than the naked image – ewe! The CEO, naked? Stop it, stop it, you’re distracting me.

For more from Esther, sign up to our networking breakfast, and head to our new digital magazine Rise, dedicated to covering all the issues that matter to women in business.

Keynote Event

International Women’s Day Networking Breakfast
Sponsored by Peacock & Co Solicitors
8.30am, Friday 6th March, San Lorenzo, SW19 7PA
Guest speaker Esther Stanhope, author of Goodbye Glossophobia
Come and join like-minded women for some top networking.
You’ll have the opportunity to meet local business-women, enjoy a continental breakfast and hear inspo from Esther.

BOOK: Tickets cost £19.50+vat. Book and discover further confidence events by Time & Leisure. Visit our events page: