Community Conversations: Rebuilding after the pandemic
Community Conversations: Rebuilding after the pandemic
Help shape our communities for the future
As the lockdown starts to lift and the green shoots of recovery emerge, we are looking at what the future holds for our local communities and how we should be building back after the pandemic. Crucially, we want your views to help shape what happens going forward in all areas of our lives – our high streets, our wellbeing, leisure, the arts and the initiatives that will mean we come back stronger and more equitably.
We take a look at our town centres and how they are developing in line with how our lives have changed. We find out about some of the innovative ideas coming our way, with a big focus on supporting local businesses, sustainability, safety and sociability. Click to read more.
As we rebuild, it’s crucial we do so sustainably for a greener future. Read on for what’s happening on your doorstep, from tackling food waste and grow-your-own projects to recycling and urban greening to tackle pollution.
And we find out how we can make our mental wellbeing a top priority as we rebuild, with the local initiatives that offer support.
We’ll be adding more content to this page frequently so do check back.
And please send us your feedback on what you’d like to see happen next in all areas of our lives, plus any initiatives that came out of the pandemic that deserve special mention.