6 Tips for Writing a College Essay

6 Tips for Writing a College Essay

It happens to any student, at least once during college years, that you feel stuck when writing an essay.

Writing an essay is one of the most typical and popular assignments in high school, college, or university. It gives the teacher or a professor an opportunity to understand whether you got the topic, how good are your writing skills, whether you can see the connection between these and those actions, and how you can make conclusions and point out the most important piece of information. And don’t underestimate this task. It might seem very easy to write around 500 words on some particular topic, but it’s not.

If it were, there wouldn’t be so many writing services eager to help students. Constant writing can also cause unpredictable problems; you can check the article on to learn more. As we all know that writing can be difficult and stressful, we have prepared this article where you can find six simple recommendations on what to do in order to fulfill the task.


1. Learn the topic carefully

Of course, it’s easy for you to write about sports if you have been a fan of football since your childhood. You can write ten essays about English literature if you study it in college. But life is not always that easy, as well as college tasks. Pretty often, we have to write, and the topic of the essay is not familiar to us. That is why it is very important to study the subject carefully and learn as much as possible about it. Of course, if you feel a strong writing block, the best thing to do will be to find a reliable writing service. The only thing we recommend in such a case is to choose the best one. For example, if you set your eye on some service, like Assignment Geek, you should also learn about them. And how can you learn more about assignment geek? Of course, by reading Assignment Geek reviews as much as possible.


2. Thesis statement is the most important part of the work

If you have written at least one essay in your life, you know for sure what a statement is and that it is one of the most important parts of any essay. It is the main idea of your whole paperwork, and you have as an aim to transmit this thesis statement to your readers via your work. And the success of this aim depends on whether you can write the correct statement. So, the three stages you have to do when starting to write an essay on the received or chosen topic are the following: determine your opinion on the topic; try to express the thesis statement in words; and finally, start writing an essay.


3. Don’t forget about the essay outline

Some people are born organized. They naturally feel ho everything should go on and that they don’t need a plan. When we are talking about essays, it’s almost impossible that you are such a genius that you don’t need an outline. Even the most talented writers need it, at least in order not to forget about all their brilliant ideas. So just create a skeleton for your future work, and it will be easier to add “flesh and muscles” to it.


4. Catchy introduction and breathtaking conclusion

You can say that we exaggerate a bit when saying that some parts of an essay should be breathtaking, but it’s very important for any writer to be able to intrigue, catch the attention and then leave the reader surprised by the final lines. It might be hard to do it when writing about whether pets help you to be successful in college, but all students should love challenges and try their best to create a unique essay. Just keep in mind that the first impression lasts, so the beginning is very important. And it is also hard to deny that the last words are remembered the best, so the conclusion part must be as strong as the introduction.


5. There is never too much proofreading

It’s typical to make mistakes; we are not perfect after all. But when it comes to essays, mistakes can be considered as a lack of responsibility, attention to detail, and a not very serious attitude towards studying. Of course, not all are born with a perfect sense of grammar and being able to write perfectly. If you know yourself and are aware of the fact that there might be some mistakes, we highly recommend you use any application to check your text after writing. Or you can ask your friend or relatives to be your beta and correct the mistakes.


6. Editing

It might be the last tip, but it doesn’t mean that it is the least important. Never forget about the editing. Take your time over it, don’t rush if there is such an opportunity. The changes done during the editing process can seem insignificant to you at first, but after, you will understand that they made your text look much better.