Vibrant Life Women

Heather Day: Creating the Life You Want

Heather Day on life coaching and how to reconnect with yourself

After experiencing some tough life transitions in my 40’s, including divorce and a major health crisis, I became acutely aware that I had lost connection with myself. I felt trapped in fear and limitation and it took time to recover. I had a successful career as an educational consultant but it no longer excited me. In my early 50’s, I retrained as a coach, specialising in career and life transitions.

In 2009, I trained in a new system called Logosynthesis®. I am pioneering this approach in the UK as a master practitioner and trainer. I use Logosynthesis® to resolve fear, limitation, and other blocks that get in the way of our growth. This unique combination enables me to support my clients to create lasting change and transformation in their lives.

I created Vibrant Life Women in 2016 after noticing a recurring theme amongst my clients, many of whom were in their 50s. These women had dedicated their time and energy to their partners, families and careers. Some were experiencing burnout or depression. Others, following divorce or their children leaving home, felt they had lost their identity and had put their own dreams on hold. This compromise can come at a price, as one 58-year-old client observed: ”I’ve realised that I’ve been living my life by someone else’s rules. Now I’m free to live my life how I want to!”

What clients value most about working with me is taking the time and space to reconnect to themselves and to rediscover who they are and what they really want. It’s such a joy to witness their individual journeys of empowerment.

“Heather has enabled me to realise my future dreams and given me the confidence to follow a new path. She has helped me identify and work through my deepest fears and blocks. Her visioning and Logosynthesis® process have been especially powerful.” Tracey Murphy, 55

Heather offers a range of coaching packages, including the opportunity to work with her exclusively on her ‘Vibrant Life’ days. See Facebook @VibrantLifeWomenCoaching.

To book your free initial consultation contact Heather at or 07966 067883

Vibrant Life Women
07966 067883