Home Hair Care

Avoid hair hell

Top hairdresser Gina Conway reveals how we can look after our locks until our salons can re-open again

For your grey roots

I would not recommend a home hair colour. You will spend more money getting it fixed than its worth so let’s try to hide them if you can.

Dark hair – mascara. For a quick home hair care tip you can try an old mascara that is nearly empty. It won’t clump or squeeze excess in between your fingers , then comb on the greys. Once it’s dried you can massage it in a bit to soften it.

Dark to medium blonde hair – get your eyeshadows out. Choose colour close to desired tone. Find a dense eyeshadow brush and dip and dab on. If you need more coverage, it works best on slightly dirty hair. If it won’t stick, put hairspray on first then apply.

For split ends

You watch your hairdresser carefully cut your hair into that perfect shape designed to bring out your cheekbones and accentuate your eyes.. and to even contemplate a pair of kitchen scissors fills you with dread.. relax, help is at hand for some easy home hair care.

Firstly hairdressers are cutting a line onto a round surface so yes this takes years of practice to get right but if you follow these steps we can get you through to the other side without too much shock. Style hair as normal. Only cut what you can see. Do not cut the back of your head. Start from the shortest to the longest areas, i.e: fringe to shoulders. take your section of two inches wide and pull down parallel to the floor. Trim your ends following the line of your cut. BUT rather than holding your scissors horizontally, hold them vertically so you are cutting the line in snips making tiny V shapes in the section. This will give a softer finish and not leave harsh lines that can show unevenly. Your hairdresser can fix as long as you don’t take too much.

You can condition weekly with coconut oil plaited into hair or in a bun for no less than 15 mins. Steam in shower or bath then shampoo out for a deep home hair conditioner.

Book in with your hairdresser to get at the top of the list when the salon reopens. All will be well then but beware, it will be very busy so contact your salon to give your hair and skin some long overdue love.